Sprain or Strain?

The terms sprain and strain are regularly used interchangeably, as they are similar. What should you know about each one? How can you tell the difference? What are the symptoms and how long do they take to heal? BSM offers some expert advise to help you discern the difference.

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Walking For Weight Loss

Looking for a way to jump start your weight loss goal? Walking has been proven to be very beneficial to weight loss and has many other health benefits. Add walking outside of your normal activities and this can help you lose weight and belly fat, as well as provide other excellent health benefits.

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Spin Class Benefits

Wondering what the hype is about with spin classes? These are popping up all over the country with the idea that you go to a gym where you ride a stationary bike in a group setting. What is the appeal? How is it beneficial? All your questions are answered here!

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At Home Exercise and Health

Given all of the difficulties brought on by 2020, not all of us are comfortable returning to the gym yet. That said, Beaver Sports Medicine is happy to share a few things we can do at home to help get us moving and keep us healthy!

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Rest Day Importance

Resting can be just as important as working out to our training and recovery process. Working out does not need an "all or nothing" mindset. Variety of activity is important as well as allowing your body to have a regular day off to recover as part of your routine. Beaver Sports Medicine offers a few helpful tips on how to keep a Rest Day an effective part of your routine.

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Sleeping Position Tips for Back, Neck and Shoulder Pain

It takes only a small amount of discomfort to disrupt your sleep. Beaver Sports Medicine offers a few simple fixes that might just help you get a few more hours!

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Mental Health in Athletics

Student athletes are susceptible to not only physical injury or illness, but mental ailments as well. At Beaver Sports Medicine and the local high schools that we contract ATCs at, we strive to provide a positive, welcoming environment where student athletes can express their concerns freely about their mental health as well as their physical health. BSM pinpoints how to recognize signs of mental ailments.

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Sun Safety

The sun is coming out! We all hear that Vitamin D is good for us, but can we get too much of it? Sun damage can occur in nearly any type of weather (from UV rays, not temperature) so it is just as important to protect ourselves on cloudy, or cool days as on the hot sunny days ahead. All skin-types are at risk of developing skin cancer.

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Get Outside and Enjoy Nature's Benefits!

With the summer season and warmer weather finally coming on in the Willamette Valley, Beaver Sports Medicine encourages everyone to get outside! Of course take whatever safety precautions are necessary, depending on your choice of activities, but enjoy the outdoors. Did you know there are several healthy benefits that come with being outside?

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HIIT - High-Intensity Interval Training

HIIT is a cardio session arranged as short bursts of very hard work. The short bursts can range from 20 to 90 seconds to allow you to push yourself harder. A typical HIIT session is about 20-45 minutes of working and resting. What are the benefits? Beaver Sports Medicine explains them in our lastest graphic blog-post!

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Common Injuries in Summer Water Activities

Do you plan to spend some time on the water this summer? Be aware of these potential activities and the injuries that can accompany them. As always, if you become injured while participating in athletic activity, call us for an appointment!

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Avoid Running Injuries

We want to keep you on the pavement and out of our office for minor foot and ankle injuries. BSM looks at a few areas to help the runners in our community: Stretching, Strengthening, Mileage and Footwear!

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Dynamic Stretch and Warm-Up or Static Stretching?

Studies show that doing dynamic stretching (movement based stretching) prior to activity can increase power, explosiveness and overall performance as opposed to static stretching (holding a stretch for a period of time).

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Nutrition Through the Ages

Children, adults, the aging population, we all have unique nutritional needs! What approach to foods and calories is recommended for your age bracket? BSM offers the community a few concise, practical tips.

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How Can You Stay Healthy While Traveling?

The summer season is always a busy time of year for traveling. It can be quite a challenge to keep yourself healthy while exploring and enjoying new adventures. BSM would like to share 7 important tips and tricks to help you stay healthy while you travel!

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Why Stay Hydrated?

Did you know that proper hydration is about more than just being prepared for exercise? Hydration is important for everyday health! Including the functioning of our important organs. Find out what good sources of hydration are, and how to track your hydration in our latest blog post.

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Shin Splints - What Are They? How Can You Treat Them?

Shin splints are a painful inflammation of the muscles, tendons, and bone tissue around your tibia. What causes Shin Splints? More importantly, how can it be treated without the concerns of it coming back? Read over Beaver Sports Medicine's insightful blog post to find out.

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Plantar Faciitis - Common Cause of Heel Pain

Plantar Faciitis is one of the most common causes of heel pain. It involves inflammation of a thick band of tissue that runs across the bottom of your foot and connects your heel bone to your toes (plantar fascia). When does it usually occur? How can you effectively treat it?

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Proper Hand Washing

Washing your hands is easy, and it's one of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of germs. Clean hands can stop germs from spreading from one person to another and throughout an entire community. See our blog post to learn 5 helpful tips for proper hand washing!

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Lose Weight and Help Chronic Knee Pain

Exercising and losing weight is very important to help with chronic knee pain. Studies suggest carrying a few extra pounds can create added pressure on joints causing further stress to knees which will hinder your exercise routine. BSM suggests a few exercises you can do to lose weight without irritating your knees.

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Stay Active During Winter Time - How?

Winter can be a challenging time to engage in workouts and remain physically active. But there is still much you can do to accomplish activities inside and outside, despite the cold and wet months. Consider these excellent suggestions from Beaver Sports Medicine.

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Have You Ever Wondered How YOGA Could Help You?

Yoga is a great way to stay in shape and stay healthy. Have you ever wondered what some of the benefits are? Beaver Sports Medicine outlines just a few of the many positive results.

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Creative Ways to Exercise and Eat Healthy

Making time to workout and eat healthy in our busy lifestyles, from work, to children, to personal life is very challenging. Consider some creative and helpful ways to improve in these areas from Beaver Sports Medicine.

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Balance - What is it? Why is it Important?

Why is maintaining good balance so important in our day-to-day lives? Beaver Sports Medicine provides some simple, yet effective ways to improve your balance at home.

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Flu Season - Signs and Symptoms

Every year the flu season comes upon us and saps the strength and energy of many. In addition, many people battle the common cold. If you are falling ill, how can you tell the difference early on? Better yet, how can you avoid the flu or colds altogether? Beaver Sports Medicine has some helpful insights.

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Foam Rolling - Why? Is it Beneficial?

How familiar are you with foam rolling? Beaver Sports Medicine explains why and how it's done, as well as the benefits that come from this increasingly common practice. Moreover, we offer some informative "dos" and "don'ts" when rolling at home or the gym.

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Ergonomics - Taking Care of Your Body at Work and at Home

Ergonomics is the study of work and how we can fit the job to the body - not force our bodies to fit the job! Whether you are performing work at your place of employment, or at home, check out these valuable tips from Beaver Sports Medicine.

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Hydration - How Much Water Should You Drink?

Proper hydration has many benefits and is vital to good health. How much water should you be drinking each day? What about during and after exercise? Beaver Sports Medicine offers some helpful recommendations.

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